WestAndNorth Photo Album

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TANGO - EOT Awards KNB 2


TANGO - Towers and Sci Center

TANGO - RnR Travel

TANGO - RnR Top Off Club

TANGO - RnR Inland Sea

TANGO - RnR Doha


TANGO - Christmas USO

TANGO - Stuffed Camel

TANGO Army Navy Flag Football

TANGO Camp Patriot - My Room

TANGO Wardroom BBQ

TANGO Navy Mobilization Processing

TANGO Fitting for Gas Masks

Family Visit - First Landing Hike

Family Visit - Cook Out

TANGO - Combat Skills

TANGO - Battle Rattle March

Halloween Party 2005

Eleanor Sullivan Baptism

Adventure Room

Potomac 93 Class Reunion

New Garden Grove House

Tim Deputy.Com


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Egyptian symbol - The eye of RA

Aztec symbol - This is the Aztec symbol for Year, or Annual Cycle

Celtic symbol - This symbol is known as a Druid's foot. I has been used by Christians to represent the Holy Trinity.

Sumerian symbol - The All Seeing Eye - The earliest known occurance of this symbol is in ancient Sumeria where it symbolized the omnipresence of their god. It has been used by numerous groups since then and usually indicates Knowledge or conveys the idea that someone is always watching.

Pentagram - Contrary to popular misconception the pentagram is NOT a satanic symbol. It has been used since before recorded history as a protective symbol. Mathmaticians throughout history have studied the pentagram because its geometric properties are based on the Golden or Divine Ration (PHI).

View from the booth next to the fire place towards the kitchen
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